MissS-RE4.12 Prayers in the Mass and Adoration. Redemption. AQA B Catholic Christianity(0)lesson- gcse
MissS-RE4.11 Different understandings of the Eucharist. Redemption. AQA B Catholic Christianity(0)lesson- gcse
MissS-RE2.3 +2.4 Jesus as fully human and fully God. Incarnation. AQA B Catholic Christianity(0)lesson - gcse
MissS-RE6.9 The Church's teachings on the end of time. Eschatology. AQA B Catholic Christianity(0)Lesson GCSE
MissS-RE6.12 Care of the Dying and Euthanasia. Eschatology. AQA B Catholic Christianity(0)Lesson. GCSE
MissS-RE6.7 Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Eschatology. AQA B Catholic Christianity(0)Lesson- GCSE
MissS-RE6.4 Eschatology and Life After Death. Eschatology. AQA B Catholic Christianity(0)Lesson- GCSE